Monday, May 13, 2019

Conspirative Theories

Even with a lot of more interesting conspirations existing around the internet, this time I’m going to talk about a theory more “realistic” or believable for us: To use actors, impostors or infiltrators as causal persons  in polemical events.

In a few words, the real theory says that the government infiltrates real actors as interviewees in polemical events like terrorist attacks or gunfires. In our context, for example, the theory can be visualized saying that the government actually infiltrates real police officers as protesters. This is because the government wants to get dirty that kind of manifestations. They want to manipulate the popular opinion about those events.

For us, the young generation, knowing that the government is manipulating the TV opinion isn’t  a big revelation. Actually, we can find some archives and photos about protesters acting suspiciously. Like the video of a men in 2011 wrongly arrested, during a protest, by other police officers. This because the film actually show us how that supposed protester hides elements of Carabineros in his backpack. Other example, also during 2011, shows us how an “encapuchado” is moving freely inside a police bus. The last example carries us to 2014, during other manifestation. A supposed protester is acussed as infiltrater police, after the pressure, this guy extract a real and loaded gun to other guy that throw him water. The film show us how other polices want to protect the supposed protester with the gun from other real protesters. The excuse, that guy was a retired military ¿How we can confirm that?

What’s your opinion?

Monday, May 6, 2019


The reasons of thinking about post-graduate studies are not too difficult to understand. With our actual context is almost imperative to have an extra experience for like anything.  It’s a free extra bonus for our CV. It makes us more attractive to the actual global market.
Now, speaking more detailed, I would like to specialize more in my personal mention: bio anthropology, so taking any studies that allow me that extra experience are going to be good received. Studying out of Chile would be ideal, reality say us that the quality of the education in other countries are better than Chile.
Now, if you ask if im considering other career, i always have thinking in pedagogy. I think that is a career very valuable for society, but sadly at the same time, very discredited. 

Despite all, i definitely think that in some moment i will star to study pedagogy, but that will happen when i have the appropriate age and experience. In my opinion, to be a teacher requires you to have a charismatic personality to focus the attention of the students. Have good dominion of the specific content, good explanation, etc. You know that kind of experiences and attitudes that can be obtained, but no necessarily, with maturity

End of semester: Some conclusions

Considering that we are very close to the end of the semester, and with this, the subsequent end of the English classes, the moment where ...