Thursday, October 18, 2018


Recently i am started to enjoy the "night trips", or in other words, that kind of casual night walks when you can take the opportunity to free yourself from the rutine and the stress. Especially the weight that imply to live in a short house with too much people... (Well that is a bit exaggerated if we only consider “a lost guy” living with his mother and his 2 beloved brothers hah).

Returning to the point, i usually love this kind of trips, that trips where instead of walk beyond the horizon and know that places that only you can see or imagine through the TV, you can simply go around through your town or your neighborhood any night and enjoy the plainness of the life. Breath the peace of an asleep and silent town, feel the soft night-wind in your face or see the magnificence and insignificance of the existence through the beauty of a sky full of stars (At least the ones that are already visible sadly…) All of that meanwhile you go to buy the bread or you go to walk around with your pets ... All those things that only a travel through the darkness can offer.

What about you?

In this case, i definitely declare myself a defender of the simply things, a paladin for the insignificant experiences, a knight-of-the-night.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

National Holidays

The last worthy national holidays that i remember were in some place located in the rural zones near to Valparaiso, fifth region. Like 2 years ago
There was a giant fonda with a high number of stands for national foods in the left zone (like choripanes, terremotos or empanadas), a considerable number of places dedicated to sell local craftwork in the right zone, a little place in the back zone where the kids can play and in the centre was a big scenario where the local musics keeps playing traditional songs (with one or another surprising guest… I remember specially that a very known periodist of Canal 13 was invited, but ironically I don’t remember his name hahah).
I went with my both parents, both brothers, three of my cousins and their parents.
In my case, I dedicated my time almost entirely to staying with my little brother and my little cousin while we listened the huasos singing and dancing in the scenario, occasionally accompanied for us with one or another piece of dance if the song was known.

Nothing too impresive for other ones hah, but is a very nice memory for me at least in the last years, specially because it introduced me to the wonderful world of the "terremotos" hah


Hello there! My name is Felipe Viveros. Actually, i am a 1st year student of  Anthropology. A career basically based in the cualitative study and comprehension of the ancient and actual human society.

End of semester: Some conclusions

Considering that we are very close to the end of the semester, and with this, the subsequent end of the English classes, the moment where ...