The last worthy national holidays
that i remember were in some place located in the rural zones near to
Valparaiso, fifth region. Like 2 years ago
There was a giant fonda with a high
number of stands for national foods in the left zone (like choripanes,
terremotos or empanadas), a considerable number of places dedicated to sell
local craftwork in the right zone, a little place in the back zone where the
kids can play and in the centre was a big scenario where the local musics
keeps playing traditional songs (with one or another surprising guest… I
remember specially that a very known periodist of Canal 13 was invited, but
ironically I don’t remember his name hahah).
I went with my both parents, both
brothers, three of my cousins and their parents.
In my case, I dedicated my time
almost entirely to staying with my little brother and my little cousin while we
listened the huasos singing and dancing in the scenario, occasionally
accompanied for us with one or another piece of dance if the song was known.
Nothing too impresive for other ones hah, but is a very nice memory for
me at least in the last years, specially because it introduced me to the
wonderful world of the "terremotos" hah
I love Valparaiso, is amazing. I ALSO LIKE THE EMPANADAS AND TERREMOTOS!! 1313