Monday, June 17, 2019

End of semester: Some conclusions

Considering that we are very close to the end of the semester, and with this, the subsequent end of the English classes, the moment where we have to express our personal opinion about it has come, and I have to say that my conclusion include a lot more of positivism compared to the last year.

But firstly, speaking about one of the main factors of the class: the teacher, I could say that I am very satisfied with her. In terms of “professional tasks”, she always has the best disposition to work with us and answering our questions. She always had composure and a good attitude with us in that kind of situations where we simply don’t follow the ideal goal of the class (effectively, speaking in English hah…). And in my case, veeeery good disposition with the overdue tasks.

Now speaking about the contents of the class in general, I’m a bit more satisfied in terms of objective or “school contents”. Compared to the last year, I feel that during these classes we told more about things like grammatical tenses, phrasal verbs, some prepositions, etc.

It could be better in that topic, but I don’t really know if that decisions it depend strictly of the teacher.

Now, talking about new activities, contextualizing, I usually practice English through internet; like answering questions, discussing with others about a topic we like, etc.; but with the classes of this year I feel that the oral side of the subject was better complemented with the “video mechanic”. It allows you the chance of improving that ability through talking about easy themes without the pressure of being observed. For me at least, it helps me to correct that insecurity.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Just some academic matters

Talking about the curriculum of my career (anthropology), i only can say that my personal problem with it is the lack of subject that uses the “practical route” or objective route.

At least in the second semester of the last year, we finally could have a subject that was based almost entirely in field work, and now I really missed other like that one.

That is because I’m interested in Physic Anthropology and the career seems to be aimed to give an experience more oriented to the social side that the scientific side.

This also can be analysed with the teacher´s method; I really miss that kind of classes with a lot of objective information, like the first Evolution class that we had in our first semester. That kind of classes with more academic content and tests.

Same with technology, but at least in my career I think that is a little too early to introduce us to the computer side, because the ways that the computers can be used depends too much with the specific mention where we are.

In summary, I think that I will enjoy the career again when we finally can choose the mention that we want. It is only a sad feeling that we can start to do it barely in the third year.

But looking for a positive side, also we can say that the career have been very flexible in terms of schedule and workload. Compared to other careers, for now we haven’t so many classes in the same day.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Some other opinions

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?

-       As a person who likes go to stadium, I have to admit that the collective experience there is especially exciting. You feel connected with the people around you; you feel that all are one. For this, I can empathize a bit with the radical followers, but the problem starts with the ignorance and the lack of education/tolerance.
I think that these people let them flow their emotions wrongly, they aren’t so different that people capable of committing real crimes.  

What is your opinion about tattoos?

-       I don’t see anything wrong in tattoos. I consider it is a kind of art for some people. Through the tattoos is possible to express who we are, how we are, how we think about our world, etc.
Ignoring the esthetical factor, any of us have the right to do whatever we want with our body.

What is your opinion about recycling?

-       I think that is an initiative very respectable. It can make a difference in little places.
The issue is that the real problem points to the massive industries and “capitalism way” as itself.
We, as conscious minority group, can try to apply all the ways of recycling, but if we are not ready to change the way we do the things on a large scale, we are not change too much actually

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

-       It can be an idea very interesting, but the discussion falls to the owners. If they are not responsible people and they don’t bother in trying to investigate properly about habitats, alimentation, etc.; the probability of having accidents will increase.
The problem are not the animals, the problem are their owners

End of semester: Some conclusions

Considering that we are very close to the end of the semester, and with this, the subsequent end of the English classes, the moment where ...