Monday, June 3, 2019

Some other opinions

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?

-       As a person who likes go to stadium, I have to admit that the collective experience there is especially exciting. You feel connected with the people around you; you feel that all are one. For this, I can empathize a bit with the radical followers, but the problem starts with the ignorance and the lack of education/tolerance.
I think that these people let them flow their emotions wrongly, they aren’t so different that people capable of committing real crimes.  

What is your opinion about tattoos?

-       I don’t see anything wrong in tattoos. I consider it is a kind of art for some people. Through the tattoos is possible to express who we are, how we are, how we think about our world, etc.
Ignoring the esthetical factor, any of us have the right to do whatever we want with our body.

What is your opinion about recycling?

-       I think that is an initiative very respectable. It can make a difference in little places.
The issue is that the real problem points to the massive industries and “capitalism way” as itself.
We, as conscious minority group, can try to apply all the ways of recycling, but if we are not ready to change the way we do the things on a large scale, we are not change too much actually

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

-       It can be an idea very interesting, but the discussion falls to the owners. If they are not responsible people and they don’t bother in trying to investigate properly about habitats, alimentation, etc.; the probability of having accidents will increase.
The problem are not the animals, the problem are their owners


  1. I'd like to live the experience of the hooligans, it sounds really exciting!

  2. I think the same about the afirmation about the problem are their owners, i think that the concept of exoctic pet is wrong because if i have a snake and i live in Santa Cruz (jungle) i don´t take out the animal of his enviroment, the snake dont be exoctic


  3. I share your opinion in the four questions, greetings


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